Leadership Guide

Live Better Playbook

Information and resources to help promote associate well-being, including the quarterly Live Better campaigns.

This is where you’ll find details and resources to support the most recent quarterly associate well-being campaign. These campaigns are designed to streamline key benefits and well-being messages. You can also find previous campaigns on the archive page.

Under the Always on well-being toolkit tab, you’ll find an on-demand toolkit of general well-being resources—such as posters, flyers, and even a PowerPoint presentation—all conveniently ready for you to use whenever you need them.


Benefits rates

Find out how much associates will pay for all types of benefits in 2022.

Finding a doctor

If you need to find a doctor, get a second opinion, or figure out a medical bill for most Walmart plans, your Personal Healthcare Assistant can help.

Additional support

Get answers yourself, or tell associates where they can get help.
Online chat support
People Services: 800-421-1362, Monday–Friday: 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m. CT, Saturday: 9 a.m.–1 p.m. CT

Language support

For language assistance when enrolling for benefits, associates can call the Walmart People Services Team at 800-421-1362 and get connected with a translation line available for more than 125 languages.
