Digital Advocacy

In this era of technology, digital knowledge and advocacy are vital to the People Partner role. Digital advocacy utilizes technology to rally associates around a common cause. It also involves moving from a user-centric design to a consumer-centric model. 

As a People Partner, you will convey information to your associates in a personalized, interactive, and timely manner by utilizing digital avenues. This is a huge win for associates since they will have access to information right at their fingertips! This also means a win for our customers who will enjoy automations and digital innovations through their shopper experience. The key to making this transformation successful is to “walk the talk.” If you want others to follow, you must lead by example and model the desired behavior. When your associates see you actively advocating for digital transformation, they will be more likely to follow suit. 

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Explain the benefits of a consumer-centric model
  • Identify the areas of business that are impacted by digital transformation
  • Describe the adoption process for digital transformation
  • Consider how another company’s process for digital transformation relates to your own business
Why Perform a Digital Transformation?
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Digital Transformation Impacts Business
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Digital Transformation Adoption
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Digital Transformation Case Study
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Why Perform a Digital Transformation?
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Digital Transformation may seem like we’re taking a step away from the human touch in management. However, it’s more personal and interactive than ever before. 


Value-Based Prioritization

As mentioned earlier, digital transformation involves moving from a user-centric design to a consumer-centric model. This means we approach prioritization with the following question in the back of our minds, “What do our associates need, but more importantly, what do they value?” As a result, the associates’ rational and emotional needs are met. 


Evolving Solutions

Another component of digital transformation is creating solutions that evolve as associate needs change. If you have a smartphone, think about the software updates. Do they fix all issues in one update? No. If that were the case, we’d have to wait years for the all-encompassing update. Instead, they roll out multiple updates to fix issues as they occur. 


We use a similar approach in the consumer-centric model. Perfect solutions aren’t provided on the first try. Instead, we develop a solution and then iterate based on experimentation and associate feedback. This allows us to continually provide a solution while simultaneously working on future improvements. 


Tailored Deployment

Once a solution is developed, the consumer-centric model aims to provide associates with effortless access to it. This is achieved by limiting the number of options and guiding associates to the most relevant solution. As a People Partner, you act as the filter between your associate and the resources/solutions they need. 

Digital Transformation Impacts Business
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“Looking ahead, we will compete with technology, but win with people. We will be People-Led and Tech-Empowered.” - Doug McMillon


When it comes to digital transformation, leaders tend to have high expectations. They believe digital transformation will help associates complete more work in the same amount of time. Associates on the other hand, believe digital transformation will improve their work experience through the creation of faster support, better access to data and information, and more relevant tools and resources. Digital transformation also benefits and empowers our customers. 


Digital Transformation aims to impact six areas of the business:

  • Customer Engagement
    • Automating processes and improving decision making for customers to receive a fast, easy, and personalized shopping experience.
  • Associate Experience
    • Accounting for what they need and value.
  • Competency Models in the Workforce
  • Talent Pools We Recruit From
    • Analyzing talent gaps and surpluses to ensure we have the right talent in the right roles at the right time.
  • Organizational Structure
  • Business Model


The overall goal of digital transformation is to serve customers and improve associate experience while driving workforce performance. As a People Partner, you can achieve this goal by promoting the consumer-centric model and adopting digital transformation in your daily routine.

Digital Transformation Adoption
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The adoption of digital transformation isn’t easy. It requires a shift in mindset from everyone within and outside of the enterprise. As a People Partner, you’re an integral part of this adoption. Should any issues arise, you will also serve as a driving force in the resolution process. 


Here’s what you can do to help with the adoption process:

  • Develop communication channels with current and future associates to better understand which criteria to consider when making career decisions. 
  • Maintain visibility to associates at all levels, and ensure their voices are heard when making key decisions.
  • Ensure any self-serving technology is easy to use, and if needed, provide additional training and support. 
  • Ask for feedback throughout the adoption phase and adjust where needed. 


Remember, “walking the talk” is vital. The best thing you can do during the adoption process is to lead by example. If you foster digital transformation within your workspace, others will do the same.

Digital Transformation Case Study
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PURPOSE: Consider how another company’s process for digital transformation relates to your own business. 


Now that you understand a little bit more about digital advocacy, let’s look at a real-life example. Visit this link and read the digital transformation case study from DBS Bank.


As you read the article, consider the following questions and discuss your answers with your leader:

  • How does the Acquire, Transact, and Engage (ATE) framework relate to what you’ve learned so far throughout this course?
  • What can you do to build the capabilities of your current talent? 
    • How can you incorporate technology into that plan?
  • What has Walmart done to change the way we serve our customers? 
    • How can we continue to improve the customer journey through digital transformation?
  • What communication platforms do we use at Walmart to share innovations and journeys?
    • Do you participate/contribute to those communications? If not, why? 
  • How do you plan to “walk the talk” of digital transformation in your current role?