# **Nominations open for the IISc M.Tech. (online program in Artificial Intelligence 2025**
For the fifth year in a row, we are bringing you the **M.Tech. (online program in Artificial Intelligence**, in partnership with the **Indian Institute of Science (IISc**.
Walmart will sponsor **10 associates** for this full-time degree being offered by the Division of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Sciences at IISc, under our
higher education policy.https://one.walmart.com/content/me-idc/en_in/me/learning/higher-education/idc-sponsorships.html
Turbocharge your career with the AI advantage and build skills for the future. Submit your nomination now!
* Course duration: 2-3 years
* Associates who are eligible for Walmart's higher education policy and meet IISc’s eligibility criteria may submit their nominations
herehttps://feedbackally.walmart.com/survey/ek1UXi_vgEanIOx/ (VPN needed
* Last date: Feb. 25
Learn more:
* Details on the program, the eligibility criteria, the selection process and more are available here:
Global Tech Academy pagehttps://one.walmart.com/content/global-tech-academy/home/training/schools/school-of-data/iisc-mtech-2025.html
* Attend the IISc Orientation Program for aspirants on Friday, Feb. 13, 5:30 - 7 pm
MS Teams webinar linkhttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YjkwY2IyMzAtODc1NS00NjQ1LWIwMzAtMzBmODNjMTU0YzI3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226f15cd97-f6a7-41e3-b2c5-ad4193976476%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2271db9433-3ee6-45ad-8252-e6ed9f762e01%22%7d
Join the IISc Program Q&A sessions with the existing batch of Walmart associates:
* Session 1: Friday, February 14 | 2:30-3:30 p.m. | Zoom
Linkhttps://walmart.zoom.us/j/94958842303 (Meeting ID: 94958842303
* Session 2: Wednesday, February 19 | 2:30-3:30 p.m. | Zoom
Linkhttps://walmart.zoom.us/j/99751912625 (Meeting ID: 99751912625
If you have any questions/clarifications, please reach out to the program committee on our Microsoft Teams Channel
Did you know that over the past three years, 30 of our associates have benefited from the program? You could be next!
This endeavor is a result of the efforts of our Strategy and Operations Team and the IDC Data Science Council. As we continue to strengthen our partnership with academia and invest in continuous learning opportunities, we look forward to helping more and more associates thrive with Walmart.
Watch our new Global Tech branding here!