Welcome to Weeks 3 and 4 of your onboarding training.
We hope you've enjoyed your time with us and are starting to feel like you know your way around. Don't worry, though, if you feel overwhelmed. That's very normal. Keep an open mind, keep learning, and don't be afraid to reach out for extra support!
Here's what we have lined up for you in the next two weeks:
- An opportunity to spend one to three days in local stores and/or a distribution center
- A number of online compliance courses
- Signing up for some additional training you'll take during the next few months
- The first check-in on your 30-60-90 day plan

Context is king, and at Walmart, our "context" is a whole lot bigger than an office building!
Every decision you make has an effect on, and is in turn affected by, what happens in thousands of stores and dozens of distribution centers across the country, day in and day out, whether directly or indirectly.
We'd like to give you a chance to immerse yourself in part of that broader context by spending time with associates out in the field. We recommend that you spend one day in a Supercenter, one day in a Neighborhood Market, and another day in a distribution center so you can see how the locations differ.
This activity is optional. If you're interested, select the button below to download the instructions.
Home Office Onboarding: Immersion Activity
Location: A Supercenter, Neighborhood Market, or distribution center of your choice
Time: Up to one day per location
1. With your leader, determine a good day to be out of the office for each location you plan to visit.
2. As early as possible (at least three to five business days beforehand), contact the store manager or DC manager for your chosen location.
- Introduce yourself.
- Explain that you're a new associate in the Home Office and would like to shadow associates at their location for a day to learn about their operations.
- Include the list of departments/areas that you'd like to visit (see below).
- Ask their permission for the visit.
- Ask if the date you've chosen works for them.
- Find out what you need to do/who you need to connect with when you arrive.
- Is there someone who can introduce you to the associates you'll shadow in the different areas?
- Ask about the dress code for the areas you'll visit.
3. Visit as many of the areas below as you can. Try to allocate at least one hour for each area you visit:
- In the Supercenter or Neighborhood Market
- Pickup and/or Online Grocery Pickup (if available)
- Front-end registers
- Fresh (produce, meat, bakery, and/or deli as you have time)
- Hardware, apparel, toys, and/or electronics as you have time.
- People Lead
- In the distribution center:
- Receiving
- Replenishment
- Shipping
4. In each area, shadow one associate at a time as they go about their work.
- Be sure to tell them who you are and why you're there.
- Ask them to introduce themselves as well. Try to learn a little about them while you're there.
- Ask them to show you how they do their work. Offer to help if you think they wouldn't mind.
- Ask additional questions about their work. For example:
- What's the most challenging aspect of your job? What's the easiest?
- Are there situations where the processes/systems in place work really well? Are there places where they don't?
- If you could change one rule or add one tool, what would it be?
5. When you return, meet with your leader to discuss what you took away from the experience.
- Did you learn anything unexpected?
- Did you pick up on anything with a direct application to your work? How about an indirect application?
- What do you understand about Walmart that you didn't before?
We view every compliance standard as an opportunity to serve and protect our customers, our associates, and the communities we support.
Take some time over the next two weeks to complete the courses assigned to you. They'll tell you more about what compliance looks like at Walmart.
You can access them once you've opened ULearn.
The 30-day mark since you started with us is fast approaching. Congratulations!
Take some time to review your 30-60-90 day plan with your leader. Be sure to schedule a meeting time and include your plan (with status updates) in the meeting invite so your leader can review it ahead of time.
Be sure to discuss each of the following:
1. Have you met your goals for the first 30 days? Have you completed all your tasks?
- Do you see any opportunities to build on your successes?
- For any unexpected challenges or uncompleted tasks – what are some good first steps you can take toward addressing them?
2. How are you progressing on your 60- and 90-day goals and tasks?
- Do you need to take any extra steps to meet them?
- Would you like to add, remove, or change any goals?
3. How are you feeling overall? Is there anything more your leader can do to support you?