Welcome to Month 4 of your onboarding experience!
Here's what to expect:
- Your second mentor meeting
- A follow-up meeting on your 30-60-90 day plan
- Creating your next 30-60-90 day plan
- A chance to reflect on your onboarding experience

Remember to schedule your second mentor meeting if you haven't already done so.
If this isn't the same person you met with last month, the meeting will have the same goals as the previous one. If it is the same person, your goal is to build on what you started last month.
Don't forget to go to the Mentoring Matters page beforehand and review any resources that may help you.
Take some time afterwards to think about what you want to do moving forward. If this person seems like a good fit for you, keep meeting with them at least once a month. If not, be sure to thank them for their time, and try looking for someone else!
Schedule a meeting with your leader to discuss any action items that were left over from last month's meeting.
- Have they been completed?
- If not, why?
- What can you do to wrap them up?
Then, discuss your overall experience with your first 30-60-90 day plan. Was it helpful? Was it enjoyable? What adjustments might make it better?
When you're ready, create your next 30-60-90 day plan. Be sure to incorporate any unresolved tasks and apply what you learned from the first plan.
At the end of this month, you will have completed your onboarding experience. Great work! There's always plenty to learn, though, and it's never too late to ask for help with any challenges you're facing, so don't feel like you have to know it all now.
Toward the end of the month, take some time to discuss with your leader some of the things you've learned:
- How was the onboarding experience?
- What did you get out of it?
- Do you feel like there's anything you're missing? If so, do you need support with that?
- What stuck with you?
- What hasn't stuck with you that well but you'd like to remember?
- What's something that you'd like to pass on to new associates who come after you?
- What's something you didn't realize at first that you'd like to share with someone on their first day?