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A male educator in a blue shirt and tie is seated at a desk, surrounded by papers, focused on his work.

The Education Professional’s Year-End Checklist

Set your students up for a productive new year

With the school year half over, it’s an ideal time for education professionals to take stock of what they’ve accomplished so far and think about what they want to achieve next. Use this checklist as a guide to set your teachers and students up for a productive new year.

A woman stands in front of a classroom, writing on a blackboard with focused concentration.

Year-end education checklist: 5 ways to prepare for the new year

1. Analyze student progress

Before the bell rings for winter break, take a look at the first half of the year to review successes and areas for improvement. For teachers, this means looking for patterns as you complete the term’s grades. Were there any subjects or particular lessons where students really struggled? Conversely, what were your biggest wins throughout the semester, and how can you repeat that success in the next one? Do you need to set up parent-teacher conferences for those in danger of falling behind?

Meanwhile, administrators should zoom out and look at the bigger picture. Analyze the data at your disposal, such as attendance and discipline records, academic performance and standardized test results. As teachers calculate their students’ final grades for the term, you can use this time to evaluate your educators. All of this data will help inform your goals and success metrics for the following calendar year.

2. Review your budget

Regularly reviewing your district’s spending habits can help you get more out of your budget. Break it down into categories like transportation, facilities, instruction and staff development to get a better idea of where the money is going and where it could be better used.

While budgetary matters are typically administrative responsibilities, your teachers can be a valuable resource here. Their feedback will help you determine your fiscal priorities for the following year and optimize your limited resources. Before winter break hits, survey your educators and find out where they could use more financial support.

To learn how to boost fundraising efforts and get more out of your budget, check out 11 Must-Have Items to Maximize Impact at Your School’s Fundraiser.

3. Conduct inventory & reorder supplies

Despite only making up about 7% of district budgets, school supplies play a critical role in the classroom. Without enough pencils, pens, notebooks and stimulating activities, teachers can’t effectively carry out their lesson plans. Finding out you’re low on supplies during the first week of the new year isn’t the best way to kick off the term.

Instead, schedule an inventory during December and make a list of what they need. Teachers should take this time to reorganize their remaining supplies and get their classrooms back into first-day-of-school shape. Reorder the most needed products to ensure teachers are ready for the next term. Finally, use that data to inform your ordering habits going forward. For example, did any classrooms end up understocked or overstocked on certain items? If so, you’ll know how to improve distribution next term.

Does your school qualify for tax-exempt status? Here’s how you can use that to stock up for less.

4. Set goals for the coming term

Teachers’ goals should focus on classroom initiatives like increasing engagement, communicating more with parents and improving academic performance. Administrators should think of new ways to offer teachers support, connect with their local communities and ensure financial resources are properly aligned with the district’s vision for its students.

Getting a handle on time management helps education professionals work smarter, not harder. Learn more here.

5. Prepare school facilities

With students on break for the final week of the school year, it’s a good time for administrators to address outstanding maintenance issues. If you need to schedule plumbers, pest control or structural repairs, get those appointments on the calendar as quickly as possible. Work with teachers and custodial teams at your district’s schools to determine your most pressing needs. For example, broken windows or out-of-order bathrooms take priority over fresh coats of paint. You may not be able to fix every issue, but you should do what you can to ensure students come back to a clean, comfortable and highly functional learning environment.

New year, new opportunities to learn

Here’s the good news: you don’t have to prepare for the upcoming year alone. The Walmart Business content hub has valuable guides, money-saving tips and other resources you can use to enhance your students’ experience. You can also stock up on classroom supplies at Walmart Business.

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