Domestic Travel Guide –Walmart GTS India

I. Applicability

   This Guide is applicable to all associates of Walmart GTS India (“Company”) travelling on Company business from the associate’s current base in Bangalore or Gurgaon to another city within India. Domestic Travel is limited to travel outside the area code of the base location of the associate. For associates based in Gurgaon, the whole of the National Capital Region would be considered as the same area code.

II. Guide Details

1. Travel Application

  •          All associates must submit a Travel Request Form by logging into HR-Mart at least two weeks prior to the dates of anticipated travel.         
  •          For travel to supplier factories or vendor locations by taxi, associates must obtain manager approval and send the request to the Travel Desk no less than two days prior to the date of travel.

2. Travel Arrangements

  •          Travel arrangements include purchase of air, train, and motor coach tickets, taxi and hotel room reservations.
  •          All Travel arrangement will be made by the Travel Desk in accordance with the approved Travel request and this Domestic Travel Guide.
  •          Travellers must accept all travel arrangements made by the Travel Desk. Any exceptions must be approved in advance by the Director, or higher, of the business unit requesting the travel.
  •          All travel arrangements will be subject to the following criteria unless a different arrangement is expressly approved by the Director, or higher, of the business unit requesting the travel:

                           o Travellers will fly economy class at the lowest available fares or by 2nd Tier AC on a train.

                           o Hotel accommodations will be reserved based on the hotel having clean rooms, the hotel’s proximity to destination of work, and reasonable room rates for the area. Top preference will be given to hotels on the approved list of designated hotels in various cities that is maintained by the Travel Desk. Travellers must obtain approval from the Director if they intend to book another hotel at a higher room rate.

  •         If the traveller needs to cancel or change the itinerary during his or her trip because of business necessity, he or she should immediately contact the airline or hotel, or, if necessary, the Administratio                        Department, for cancellation or change of a reserved seat and any hotel room so as to get the tickets refunded or for future use and avoid no show charge by hotel. Administration Department should                      provide traveller with contact information as to who to contact at the airline or hotel.
  •         The traveller should submit his or her expense report within 15 working days after the trip is completed.

3. Travel Reimbursement and Allowance Guidelines

  •          Actual costs of meals incurred during business travel will be reimbursed up to a maximum of INR 1,800/- (equivalent of USD $40) per person per day. This amount will not be exceeded.
  •          Reimbursable meal expenses do not include alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.
  •          Receipts are required for all meals purchased to substantiate the amount reimbursed and must include the following supporting documentation:

                           a) Amount of the meal expense;

                           b) Time and place of the meal;

                           c) List of names of persons participating in the meal;

                           d) If no overnight travel is involved, a description of the business purpose for the meal or the business discussed and the role of others in the discussion; and

                           e) If food is consumed in hotel’s restaurant, then itemized food bills should be submitted along with hotel bill.

  •          Associates are required to have meals together when they are travelling in a group. Where two or more associates are participating in the same meal, the most senior associate should pay for the meal and then submit the expense for reimbursement.
  •          Associates are advised not to use Corporate Card for personal use.

4. Entertainment and Gratuities

  •          Associates, regardless of their position within the Company, are required not to accept for their personal benefit gifts, trips, cash and samples, meals and entertainment etc. from any person, whether for himself or on behalf of his employer, who is a client, vendor, prospective client or vendor, or business partner or otherwise affiliated in any way on a business basis with the Company. See the Company’s FCPA policy for further guidance on gifts and gratuities.

5. Local Transportation

  •          When travelling within a city other than an associate’s base location, associates are required to use the most inexpensive and expedient means of transportation available.
  •          For travelling between a factory and the nearest bus or railway station, a taxi is allowed.
  •          Associates who are required to work overtime in the Company’s or a vendor or supplier’s office past 8 p.m. may secure prior approval from the supervising Manager to take a taxi home, if safety is an issue.
  •          For travel to a factory, associates are encouraged to use a Company-provided taxi, or associates can use their own transportation wherever it is feasible and subject to prior approval of the supervising manager. Associates who use their own transportation are entitled to claim the following mileage reimbursement:

                          (a)   Two Wheeler –Rs 6.00 per KM.

                          (b) Four Wheeler –Rs 10.00 per KM

NOTE:   Walmart does not provide or assume responsibility for insurance coverage for personal vehicles. The mileage paid compensates you for your expenses including repairs, maintenance, insurance, fuel, oil, etc., which you are to solicit and purchase on your own. Insurance carried by the owner, (i.e. for accidents and/or damages), and maintenance charges to cars are not reimbursed by Walmart beyond the normal mileage allowance as stated above. Personal cars used on authorized business must have liability insurance limits as required by law. You will not be reimbursed for fines and penalties imposed for violations of traffic laws.

6. Laundry Allowance

Company will reimburse the cost of reasonable laundry expenses incurred during the business trip that exceeds five days.

7. Supplier Vehicles:

    The associate is expected to make all reasonable efforts to secure his or her own transportation when travelling to and from factories and supplier locations. There may be some circumstances where this is not possible: for example, when the factory or supplier’s location is in a remote or unsafe area. If an exception is necessary, it is appropriate for the associate to ride with the supplier to and from the facility, but the associate should pay the supplier for the transportation expense. The amount may need to be estimated (reasonable and prudent) and a handwritten receipt stamped with the Company stamp should be provided for the amount paid.

III. Exception to the Guide

     Any exception to this Guide needs to be approved in writing by the HR manager and Director or above of the business unit involved.

IV. Discretion Retained:

     This program is implemented in the sole discretion of the Company, and it may be modified, amended, or discontinued at any time in the sole discretion of the Company.
