LinkedIn Learning FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

First, you will need to activate your LinkedIn Learning account!  Associates can also claim & activate their account from the Home Office Academy site (wmlink/HOA) . This first-time step needs to happen on a Laptop/Desktop browser, not a mobile device.

Upon clicking the link, you will be prompted to enter your Walmart credentials and then log into your LinkedIn account to activate single sign-on.

If you do not currently have a LinkedIn account, this is a great opportunity to create one. You just need the basics for now! 

If you select to bind your LinkedIn profile with your Walmart LinkedIn Learning account, your learner history and interests will allow LinkedIn Learning to recommend courses specifically tailored to you. Additionally, you can choose to add the courses you complete to your LinkedIn profile under the Licenses and Certifications section.  

Binding your LinkedIn profile to your LinkedIn Learning account grants Walmart access ONLY to your name, photo, and learning history.

You’ll be prompted to select several areas of interest, which will help LinkedIn Learning to recommend relevant content to you. 

How do I get technical support?

If you believe the issue is with LinkedIn Learning, then you can submit a ticket on their support site.

You would need to contact the Spark Bar for help with browser or Walmart network issues.

What is LinkedIn Learning?

LinkedIn Learning is a video-based learning platform with over 14,000 courses and hundreds of thousands of video tutorials in 7 different languages. The content on LinkedIn Learning is authored and presented by industry-recognized experts and published authors and researchers in the areas of business, technology, and creative. All courses and videos are produced by LinkedIn Learning, and the library is being expanded at a rate of over 1,000 new courses per year. Learn more about LinkedIn Learning here:      

How can I get the most out of LinkedIn Learning?

So glad you asked! Here are some ways to think about LinkedIn Learning:

Just in time training: Search LinkedIn Learning to find the "how to" type of info you need right when you need it.

Career growth: Work with your supervisor to identify skills that will help you in your current role. Find specific videos and courses that will enable that growth and add them to your performance goals for the year.

Personal growth: Utilize LinkedIn Learning to learn what skills are needed and then develop those skills for a whole new career. Want to work with Data? Build websites or apps? Lead a team of people? Utilize LinkedIn Learning to work toward your dream job at Walmart.


Why is Walmart offering LinkedIn Learning?

LinkedIn Learning is one part of Walmart’s proactive approach to train and empower our associates with the latest tools, training and technology. 

By providing relevant, on-demand content, LinkedIn Learning makes it easier for associates to build knowledge and learn skills for the future.

What if I don't have a LinkedIn profile yet? 

If you would like to benefit from the personalized insights a bound account provides, create your LinkedIn profile first, and register for LinkedIn Learning afterwards and chose the "bound" option.       

What about data and privacy? Who can see what I am viewing / completing?

Binding your LinkedIn and your LinkedIn Learning accounts will give Walmart the right to view ONLY your name, profile picture, and learning history.

A record of LinkedIn Learning courses completed will also be stored by Walmart starting in FY21 alongside currently tracked training completions. This data will be used to provide you with future reporting to see a full picture of completed learning.

What happens if I have an existing LinkedIn Learning license?

You can have two LinkedIn Learning accounts (private and work) if you choose and would also be able to share learning history from one LinkedIn Learning account to another, if you choose. If you only want to use the account provided by Walmart, you will need to cancel your private account. Before you cancel, please visit the Help pages on LinkedIn Learning for information and instructions on whether/how you can transfer their learning history, as well as all other information regarding cancellation of account (billing, refund policy, etc.). These pages will always have the most up-to-date information and allow you to contact customer service should you have questions.    

How do I find Walmart-specific learning content?  

You will find Walmart-added and curated learning content within LinkedIn Learning under the My Org menu in the library, as well as under the Recommended by your Organization section. Keep checking back to LinkedIn Learning, as more content is to come!      

How long in duration are typical courses? 

Courses are broken down into short video lessons of 1-5 minutes each, with most full courses being between 1 and 3 hours.

Will my learnings on LinkedIn Learning be published on my private LinkedIn profile? 

No, unless you decide to display them on your profile. You can control which course completions you show on your LinkedIn profile under “history” in LinkedIn Learning. There you can add / remove course completions to / from your LinkedIn profile.

How can I share what I do with my LinkedIn network? 

The LinkedIn learning platform offers a sharing feature on the course level and the URL from the browser can also be shared in emails or via social platforms. You can also show your course completions on your LinkedIn profile if you bind your LinkedIn Learning account to your LinkedIn profile. You will always have control of which course completions you share on your profile.    

Why should I bind my private LinkedIn profile with Walmart LinkedIn Learning account?

While not a requirement, by binding your LinkedIn profile with LinkedIn Learning you allow LinkedIn Learning to tailor recommendations to your specific needs based on your skills, experience and the trending topics your peers are checking out. You can also add completed courses and learning paths to your LinkedIn profile directly. It also ensures that you will be able to benefit from future LinkedIn Learning functionalities (e.g. recommendations) in the future. Another benefit of connecting your LinkedIn profile to the Learning account is that the skills you already have as well as your job role will be part of the algorithms for learning recommendations and enhance the personalization even further. 

How do I get LinkedIn Learning on my mobile device?

You can start watching courses on your mobile device by accessing and using this step-by-step guide
