Assigned Spaces

Our campus is thoughtfully designed, keeping our associates and Walmart culture at the forefront. Although personalization is limited throughout campus, individuals can express their unique identities within their assigned workstation area using the provided guidelines:

  • All campus-based associates will be assigned a workstation by their independent business areas.
  • Leave behind your current monitors, mouse and keyboard at your workstation when you move. Your new workstation is equipped with a wireless mouse, keyboard, HD webcam and a 34" curved monitor. This curved monitor supports all enterprise devices and also replicates the functionality of a dual-monitor setup while consuming 20% less electricity compared to traditional dual monitors.
  • If your role requires changes to your workstation technology, you may request an alternate configuration. Role-based workstation technology exceptions will be reviewed by Corporate Real Estate, Business Unit leadership, and Global Tech and all costs will be billed to your leader’s cost center. To apply for a role-based workstation technology exception, visit your Me@Campus mobile app or click here for Workspace Moves and Changes.  
  • Workstations are deliberately minimalistic, designed for associates to maintain a tidy and organized workspace
  • Smaller personal items like picture frames are encouraged but appliances or large personal items are not (including heaters).
  • Personal plants will not be allowed for the health of our interior plant program.
  • For the storage of personal items, such as coats, purses and umbrellas, we encourage you to use bag hooks and mobile pedestals at your workstation. Additionally, there are lockers in the lobby of each building available for personal use. 
  • For guidance on personalizing your workstation with seasonal decorations, refer to our existing policies.
  • If you qualify for an ADA Workplace Accommodation and need to request changes to your workspace, please complete the Workplace Accommodations approval process
  • Blue Name tags are no longer a part of the workplace standard and should be taken home. Magnetic blue name tags can be in the workplace if it is displayed on your rolling file cabinet. 

While private offices are not offered in the workplace design, Walmart officers will be allocated a huddle room closest to their team/workstation when and where available. Officers are encouraged to make these huddles available for their team when not in use, with executive assistants helping manage the use of this space. ​


Comes equipped with a height adjustable desk, rolling desk chair, moveable pedestal (file drawers), bag hook, 34” ultra-wide HD curved monitor, high-definition external webcam and universal wireless mouse/keyboard.

Officer Huddle

Walmart officers will be allocated a huddle room closest to their team/workstation when and where available.

Reservable Spaces

Associates are encouraged to use Me@Campus when reserving hotel workstations and conference rooms. Please consider the size of your meeting when reserving conference rooms. Associates that need ongoing, continuous project space should coordinate with their team leaders on utilizing huddle rooms allocated to officers. If additional accommodations are needed, then associates will need to request through this form

Review the guidelines before reserving your space:

  • Workspaces are meant to be shared across the team zone and support a variety of activities. Please don’t camp. They are not to be used as your own personal workspace.
  • Make sure to consider acoustics and technology when booking a space to work or meet. 
  • Honor the reservation schedule. Avoid disrupting other reservations by ending your meeting on time.
  • Don’t leave personal materials behind after use. If you need to leave things in the office, please use a storage locker located in the lobby level.
  • You can book up 1 month in advance.​
  • You can book up to 1 week duration.​
  • Workstation reservation will be released and made available to other associates if the associate does not arrive to workstation within 1 hour 30 minutes of reservation start time.
  • You can book 18 months in advance. ​
  • You can book up to 1 week duration. ​
  • All meeting rooms will be released and made available to other associates based on meeting duration:​
    • All-day meetings – 1 hour without movement​
    • >2 hours – 30 min without movement​
    • <2 hours – 15 minutes without movement​

Hotel Workstation

1 seat

Focus Room

1-2 seats

Huddle Room

up to 5 seats

Small Room

up to 9 seats

Medium Room

up to 13 seats

Large Room

up to 14 table seats with additional bench seating for up to 23

Non-Reservable Spaces

Non-reservable spaces, such as pods and open collaboration areas, are available for individual focused work or informal group collaboration. Open collaboration space is for all teams to utilize and should not be taken over by individuals or teams. All waste will be removed at the end of the day. 

Community Kitchens are located centrally on all floors. Enjoy complimentary still/sparking flavored water and coffee located in all Community Kitchens.

Open collaboration

Use for informal group collaboration


Use for individual focused work

Community Kitchens

Located centrally on all floors

Centrally Managed Spaces

Across our campus, you'll find hundreds of places to work and meet, designed to fit a variety of styles and functions.

Our dedicated Hospitality Team is here to make booking rooms and services seamless. For spaces accommodating more than 15 people, we offer centrally managed solutions, ensuring you have everything you need to host a productive meeting.

Many of these rooms feature configurable furniture for flexible setups, and you can easily add additional services to elevate your experience. From brainstorming sessions to formal presentations, consider this your one-stop shop for all meeting needs.

1 Auditorium

up to 1,500 seats (Sam Walton Hall)

6 Conference Rooms

up to 1,500 seats across all 6 rooms (Sam Walton Hall)

3 Tiered Rooms

up to 76 to 102 seats (Buildings: Purpose, Upstream, Sparky)

13 Meeting Centers

up to 30 to 90 seats (Buildings: Together, Upstream, Maverick, Trust, Moon Pie)

2 Stepped Seatings

up to 50 to 75 seats (Buildings: Walton Family Whole Health & Fitness, Cheer)

7 Multi-Purpose Rooms

up to 70 seats (Buildings: Walton Family Whole Health, Ol’ Roy, Hula, Change, Always)

9 XL Rooms

up to 40 seats (Buildings: Purpose, Cheer)

4 Onsite/Offsites

up to 30 seats (Buildings: Sam Walton Hall, Upstream, Sparky)

Services and Resources
The Booking Process
Space Options