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Veteran stories

On Veterans Day and every day, Walmart recognizes the sacrifices our servicemen and women have made to protect our country. Our veteran associates share insights into what led them to serve, the experiences gained and why they chose to join Walmart and Sam’s Club. 

Kimberly Frazier
Senior Associate Counsel, Legal – Club Support U.S. Army veteran (1998-2002) “It’s super special working for a company that makes hiring veterans a priority. It’s really important and it has served the company well because veterans have a lot to add."
Noel Ray
Mgr, Club 6331 – Kenosha, WI U.S. Navy veteran (1987-1997) “I [was deployed] right in the middle of the Gulf War. When I went to go meet my ship in the Indian Ocean, I was helicoptered down to the ship at 18 years old. That was my first experience of seeing the world.”