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My Assistant Resource Hub

Quality prompts will ensure you get the information you need.

Prompts are an important aspect of engaging with My Assistant. Because they will help you get what you need from the tool. Prompts should be written in a certain way to ensure you get the best results. But before we move on, let’s refresh our understanding about prompts.

What are prompts?
Prompts are the specific information or context that you will add to create new content using My Assistant. Prompts may include questions, statements, or instructions. Here are three types of prompts:

One-shot prompt

This is a single request prompt.

Conditional prompt

This is a prompt that changes based on your previous response like asking follow up questions in an interview.

Reverse questioning prompt

This is a kind of prompt that has GenAI ask you questions to help guide its responses to you. It can be used for coaching or self-reflection.

Prompt for Success

Although most of your prompts will probably return some general answers, which can be helpful, you will need to go deeper to get the most use from My Assistant. Specific prompts return specific results. In order to write a specific prompt, there is a prompting formula you can follow. It is:

Role + Task + Instructions + Example/Data

Role: Persona/character you want My Assistant to assume

Task: Outcome or output you want My Assistant to generate

Instructions: Additional requirements (format, tone, length) for the output

Example/Data: Specific data or content or example of output

A prompt following this formula would look something like this example:

You are a People Lead (Role). Create an email that combines the text (Task). Be sure to include holiday greetings (Instructions). Make the tone conversational (Instructions). Use this information: Congratulations; successful quarter; enjoy the holidays (Data).

Access My Assistant and use the example prompt to see what results you get. You could even try creating your own prompts using the following modes:

  • “Teach me about...”
  • “Give me three examples of...”
  • “What can I learn about (GenAI, talent planning, coding) in five minutes a day?”
  • “What is the best way to...”
  • “Review this (speech, presentation, text) and give me tips for style, tone, voice, and how to make it more memorable for my audience.”
  • “Ask me about...”
Try it!

This is a window into My Assistant on Me@Campus for desktop. Simply type a message to start prompting! Or go directly to My Assistant on Me@Campus directly:

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