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My Assistant Resource Hub


My Assistant is transforming how Walmart campus associates get things done.

My Assistant is Walmart’s in-house GenAI tool with one simple goal – making our daily work easier. Associates across campus save thousands of hours every week while using My Assistant as a brainstorming partner, document proof-reader, and expert on all things Walmart. 

Need some inspiration for your own My Assistant success story? We asked members of our GenAI community to share examples of how they are increasing productivity, saving time, and focusing on collaboration by using My Assistant!

Want to see your role included below? Email Learning Services with your role, use cases and example prompts of how you use My Assistant to see your success story featured!

How are campus associates using My Assistant in their roles?
Read below to see how other campus associates use My Assistant in their daily/weekly routine to save time and focus on the tasks that matter most.
Use CaseExample Prompt
Transform complex data into conversational summaries to fit the target audience's needsUsing the following notes, create a conversational script to highlight the topics in the list to a group of Senior Leaders: (insert notes)
Compare paragraphsCan you check these two paragraphs and show me if there are any redundancies?
Write team evaluations by summarizing commentsUsing the following notes, create a summary to discuss an the associate's annual evaluation: (insert notes)
Generating well-structured and personalized talking pointsSummarize the PDF into a list of talking points for an executive leader at Walmart to present to new associates. (upload PDF)
Create behavioral-based interview questionsWrite 5 behavioral-based interview questions to use in the hiring process for a Manager, Merch Ops. Please base the questions on Walmart's Leadership Expectations.
Generate ideas for a variety of topicsBrainstorm ways to communicate change in policy to a group of associates working at the Home Office in the Ops Development organization.
Edit emails before sending information to team or business partnersCan you check my grammar in this email?
Write video scriptsCreate a video script to highlight emotional intelligence, using a supervisor character named Kelson and a direct report character named Juan. Juan has been known to act immaturely in business settings previously and Kelson would like to coach him to better behaviors.
Assist in project planningCreate a project plan for a training product project starting on January 1, 2024 and deadline for completion to be May 24, 2024. Include two SME 3-day reviews of training product, allow two weeks for train-the trainer session, and one week for communication and rollout. Return results as a list of deliverable dates for training outline, scripting, reviews, asset creation and rollout.
Translate world languagesTranslate the following message to Canadian French: Sam Walton was a man with visionary leadership, and our business is a result of that. Since the first Walmart opened in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas, we've been dedicated to making a difference in the lives of our customers. Today, we're helping communities save money and live better all over the world.

Use CaseExample Prompt
Rephrase an email messageWhat is a better way to phrase this sentence: (Manager's name), the following concern was reported from (Associate) regarding information from (Associate's Manager). Would you please verify and follow up with (Associate) and (Associate's Manager)? We would be glad to assist if needed.
Rephrase an email messageWhat is a better way to phrase this sentence: Ok, thank you. (Manager's name) would you be able to dig in a little further and verify what may be going on?
Thank an associate for a job well done How can I convey my gratitude for the excellent assistance provided by the associate, acknowledging the potential challenges we face when working together?
Improve wording to a manager regarding an accountability recomendation How could I enhance the phrasing in an email to a manager concerning an accountability recommendation?
Create a Powerpoint on Case Manager policyWould you help me create a Powerpoint to use with this policy? (input policy with prompt)
Compile a list of Open Door allegations into a summary Please combine the following allegations into a summary 
Use CaseExample Prompt
Test SQL queries to understand how they work, or why they are not workingWhy am I getting this error message in this SQL? Copy and paste the SQL query into My Assistant.

Use CaseExample Prompt
Understand how to implement a trunk based deployment on WCNPCan you tell me how to trigger a trunk based deployment to difference environments (dev/stage/prod) from the main branch in GitHub?
Basic visualization for faster code developmentWrite a code to bin values from a numerical column in a dataframe and create a histogram.
Code understandingCan you explain this function as an algorithm?
Code refactoringCan you optimize this function for time?
More information on WCNP deploymentHow can I access the deployment environment like dev/stage/prod in a python file after I create a deployment on WCNP?
Understand team goalsCan you tell me about the Centralized Demand Forecasting (CDF) Team and their goals?
Spotlight helpCan you help me deisng a spotlight app for sending messages through slack using Python
Convert code from PySpark to PandasConvert this code from PySpark to Pandas for me please?
Event Horizon questionsHow can I perform load testing on event horizon channels? Is there any Walmart internal tool.

Use CaseExample Prompt
Summarize findingsSummarize the content below into brief and contextual 10 bullet points
Categorize similar ideas or pain pointsCategorize the content below and give me top categories
ProofreadProofread and make it plain and digestible:
Prioritize pain pointsSummarize the content below into brief and contextual 10 bullet points and reorder them based on the severity with a short description in front of each bullet point
Ask about certain words definitionWhats the definition of 'Associate Engagement Survey' or 'Workforce planning'
Make the paragraph more conciseMake the paragraph more concise

Use CaseExample Prompt
Edit EmailCan you check this email for grammar and tone?
Use CaseExample Prompt
Brainstorm ideas for activities for eLearning contentRead this paragraph about Walmart’s purpose statement and give me some question options I can ask our learners.
Improve a paragraph to be more effective for associatesPlease fix my wording – check to see if it is redundant or repetitive.
While learning a new application, ask for technical helpHow do I create a grid for prototyping in Figma?
Improve wording for the behavioral objective needsCan you refine this objective for clarity and effectiveness?
Edit a presentation to make less verboseHow can we simplify this to avoid overwhelming the audience?
Reduce excessive information that might overwhelm the audienceCan you write a concise version of this for a solution overview. 
Develop a pollHow do I create a simple poll?
Create draft of peer requested feedback related to a small growth areaCan you help me write this better and suggest a small area of growth?
Create follow up debrief questions 
Suppose I have them complete a virtual tour of the Walmart Museum during an eLearning class. What follow up questions could I ask?
Draft bullet points  How can we show associates our purpose in action through bullet points?
Refine a My Assistant responseCan you make it more concise and geared towards the associate, please?
Improve note drafts Can you enhance these notes for me?
Update a change to a reflection question to multiple choiceHow can we make the correct answer less obvious and remove repetitive text in this reflection question?
Add feedback for each response in a multiple-choice scenarioCould you add feedback for each option, please?
Write a warmer closing statement for a documentCan you make the closing statement sound warmer and friendlier?
Create an interactive experience using Articulate RiseCan you help me create an interactive Articulate Rise activity focused on regeneration?
Reword a document for clarity and brevityPlease reword this SOP for clarity and brevity: "When the Maintenance Claim Flag has been updated to 'Yes,' an Autotask will populate one year from when the claim was flagged and/or once the file has reached six months prestatute, the Maintenance Claim Flag will automatically change to 'No,' and the claim will go back to the case manager.

Use CaseExample Prompt
Coach in friendly tone to support new/existing managersHigh level guidance and conversation starters for managers to coach associates
Summarize action items for annual tasks and how to convey using the principles of Smart Brevity to Associates and ManagersWhat people tasks are due and when according to the time of the year (i.e goal setting, performance reviews, etc...)
Who is my People Partner (associate level)?Response provides the requester with name and contact information for their People Partner
Who is xxxx Team People Partner (team level)?Response provides the requester with name and contact information for that Teams People Partner
Use CaseExample Prompt
Help define ROI and OpEx for product featuresUsing our current financial data, product usage statistics and market trends, calculate the estimated Return on Investment (ROI) and Operating Expense (OpEx) for introducing new feature X in our product range."
Generate business cases for proposed featureBased on our market research and customer feedback, draft a compelling business case for the proposed feature Y, including potential market size, competitive advantage, and revenue forecast.
SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis of productsPerform a SWOT analysis for our product Z, considering our current market position, competitor analysis, customer feedback, and future market trends."
Draft Product Requirement Documents (PRDs) for new featuresOutline a detailed PRD for the newly proposed feature A. The document should include feature description, user needs, functional requirements, and acceptance criteria.
Create product OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)Define the objectives and key results (OKRs) for our product B for the next quarter, based on current performance metrics, team capacity, and strategic business goals.
Create customer journey mapsCreate a comprehensive customer journey map for our product C, detailing every touchpoint from discovery, consideration, purchase to post-purchase experience
Assist in creating user stories and acceptance criteriaDraft user stories and acceptance criteria for the upcoming feature D, ensuring it aligns with our user personas, their needs, and how the feature enhances their experience with our product.
Use CaseExample Prompt
Create an extension with similar functionailityCreate an extension that supports an extension that 'records' the process you are performing and creates a 'how to' process/step by step guide that is easily shared.
Create AEM page codingUpload a mock up AEM page review (powerpoint/pdf) upload and produce coding or sample page layout to produce a maximized end user experience and information inclusion.
Build a newsletter templateUpload a mock up newsletter format (powerpoint/pdf) upload and produce template layout to enhance the end user experience and information inclusion.

Use CaseExample Prompt
Start a LinkedIn post Draft a LinkedIn post highlighting the WCS JAID program and its community impact.
Define industry standard practices and identify areas for improvementDefine industry standard practices and pinpoint process improvement opportunities. Provide the definitions of key Agile methodologies & provide the difference between Agile & Waterfall methodologies. What are the most widely used & beneficial tracking tools found within JIRA at a scrum master level? What key metrics should a scrum master & tech lead be looking for to identify areas of opportunity?
Find books available on a specific topicWhat are some of the best professional development books available on CI/CD?
Definition of rolling average vs average & how that can be applied to interpret dataWhat's the difference between rolling average & average?
Guide to submit a Service Now TicketWhere do I go to submit a Service Now ticket? Can you provide a link to the Service Now ticket? Can you provide step by step instructions on how to successfully submit a Service Now ticket?
Translate about 1300 lines of text from English to French CanadianTranslate the following text into French Canadian, "(include text here)"
Source dad jokes to kick off meetingsI need a Thanksgiving-themed dad joke.
Use CaseExample Prompt
Create concise details for a job adCan you add four bullet points to this job ad that covers this list of needed skills?
Write short engagement messages to candidates What is a short email we can send to candidates when the hiring manager has not decided on their top candidate?
Relevant keywords to a roleWhat are some potential keywords that could be relevant for a Product Manager role?
Research company specializationsCan you suggest a few retail companies that work on customer data platforms or customer identity? Additionally, could you provide a list of ad tech companies?
Understand specific businesses to understand a roleWhat is advertising measurement? What distinguishes advertising measurement from marketing measurement? Can you explain what a data clean room is? Also, what does advertising data activation entail?
Sample messaging for candidate communicationsCould you provide a sample declination message to send to candidates who interviewed? Also, please share a sample keep warm message for candidates in the pipeline.
Create a short summary from a resumeCan you provide a summary based on the following resume? (Paste candidate resume)
Rephrase notes from prescreen callPlease rephrase these notes from the prescreen call. (Paste the prescreen notes)
Find open jobs on Walmart's career site matching a candidate's experienceCould you help me find open jobs on Walmart's career site that match this candidate's experience? (Paste the candidate resume in GenAI)
Write an email to inform a candidate of a formal interviewI need to draft an email informing the candidate that the hiring manager would like to proceed with a formal first round interview. Also, ask for availability to set up a 45-minute Zoom interview with the hiring manager.
Craft a LinkedIn message to nurture candidates for potential rolesI need to compose a short LinkedIn message to send to candidates previously screened but not suited for the initial role. The message should encourage their candidacy for other potential roles at Walmart, particularly in Data Science and Product Management.
Research and prep for new roles by identifying key technical skillsWhat are the top 5 technical skills to search for when sourcing and identifying candidates for this role, based on the job description?

Use CaseExample Prompt
Create a tool for label and location creation Write Excel VBA code to make a tool that will output a list of shelf locations IDs.
The structure of a shelf location ID is [XYZ]
Inputs from the user are: XYZ
Definitions: XYZ
Output into a sheet called “Location List” with the shelf location ID in column A, [height] in column B, [width] in column C, and [depth] in column D. Label the columns. Write in the next open row and do not overwrite any existing cells.
Use CaseExample Prompt
Keywords for sourcing for several rolesWhat are some potential keywords that could be relevant for a Product Manager role?
List of companies who has specific skillset Please suggest few retail companies who work on customer data platforms or customer identity.
Please provide a list of adtech companies.
Dive deep into specific businesses to understand the roleWhat is advertising measurement?
What is the difference between advertising measurement and marketing measurement?
What is data clean room?
What is advertising data activation?
Sample messagingPlease provide a sample declination message to candidate who interviewed.
Please provide a sample keep warm message to candidate in pipeline.
Create short summary out of resumePlease provide short summary from below resume. (paste candidate resume)
Create notes from candidate prescreen callPlease rephrase this notes (paste the prescreen notes)
Find matching open jobs on Walmart's career site based on candidate's experiencePlease help me find the open jobs on Walmart's career site that match this candidate's experience. (Paste the candidate resume in GenAI)
The Candidate Passed the Initial Screen/Next Steps PromptWrite an email to let the candidate know that the hiring manager would like to move forward with a formal first round interview. Ask for availability to set up time for a 45-minute Zoom interview with the hiring manager.
Nurture Candidates For Potential Roles At Walmart PromptWrite a short LinkedIn message to send to candidates whom you previously screened but were not good fits for the initial role. The message should nurture their candidacy for other potential Walmart roles, in Data Science and Product Management.
Research and prep for new rolesGive me the top 5 technical skills to search for when sourcing and identifying candidates for the role based on this job description.
Research and prep for new rolesGive me 5 screening questions based on the technical skills needed for this job description: (paste job description)
Research and prep for new rolesWho are the top 5 employers of (Job Field) related positions?
Research and prep for new rolesWrite a Boolean search string for LinkedIn for this job description (paste body of job description). 
Research and prep for new rolesWrite 5 bullet points to summarize this candidates experience (paste resume) for this role (paste job description).
Research and prep for new rolesCreate list of companies similar to these companies (paste list of companies provided by hiring manager) 
Research and prep for new rolesCreate a list of the top competitors in the (insert role or function) that are similar size to Walmart.

Create your own My Assistant Success Story!

Feeling inspired to begin your own GenAI journey? There are a few things you’ll want to know before you begin partnering with MyAssistant. Check out these helpful pages in the Resource Hub to explore the different tips and tricks we recommend:

  1. You’re going to get what you give: Learn how to write quality prompts. Knowing how to write quality prompts will ensure you get the best results from My Assistant.
  2. Spark your learning journey: Explore the GenAI Pathway on Harvard ManageMentor. This learning path will enhance your understanding of GenAI and how it can shape your work. The best part? You can complete the different pieces of learning at your own pace or finish the whole path in less than an hour and a half.
  3. Are you a My Assistant beginner? There’s a training for that: Get Moving with My Assistant. This prerecorded training will give you the foundation you need to get started with My Assistant! You’ll have your own success story in no time.

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