Whether you’re just starting out or getting close to retirement, life insurance can help protect your family’s future. Once you're eligible for benefits, you can enroll or drop this coverage at any time.
Peace of mind for you and yours.

Company-paid insurance
Full-time and salaried associates
get automatic coverage equal
to your annual pay up to $50,000.

Upgrade options
Choose up to $200,000 for
hourly associates, or $1 million for
salaried associates and drivers.

Family coverage
Cover eligible children up to age 26.
Full-time and salaried associates can
cover a spouse or partner, too.
Think about what would happen if you were gone. You might be leaving funeral expenses, unpaid bills, or even debts. If you have a family, they’d need help with living expenses, education costs, and more.
Life insurance lets you breathe easily knowing that everyone who depends on your income will be provided for.
All full-time hourly associates and salaried associates automatically receive company-paid life insurance. For full-time hourly associates, you’re automatically covered starting on the first day of the calendar month during which your 89th day of continuous full-time employment falls. For salaried associates, you’re automatically covered from your date of hire. If you change to part-time, your coverage will end on the last day of your last full-time pay period.
Your benefit amount is equal to your pay, including overtime and bonuses, during the 26 pay periods of active status immediately before your death. This number is rounded to the nearest $1,000, up to a maximum of $50,000.
If you’re terminally ill, you can choose to receive up to 50% of the amount your beneficiaries would have received after your death, while you’re still living.
For more information, contact Prudential at 877-740-2116 or visit www.prudential.com/walmart. You’ll also find plan details in the Associate Benefits Book.
You can also purchase optional coverage. For full-time and salaried associates, this is in addition to the amount of your company-paid insurance:
- Part-time and temporary associates: enroll in coverage up to $200,000.
- Full-time hourly associates: increase your coverage up to $200,000.
- Salaried and driver associates: increase your coverage up to $1 million.
- Full-time and salaried associates: enroll in spouse/partner coverage up to $200,000.
- All associates including part-time: enroll in child coverage up to $20,000 per dependent.
Use Prudential’s life insurance needs calculator to help you estimate how much coverage is right for you. Visit Prudential needs calculator.
For more information, contact Prudential at 877-740-2116 or visit www.prudential.com/walmart. You’ll also find plan details in the Associate Benefits Book.
You can enroll for optional life insurance at any time after your initial enrollment period for benefits begins. This is when you first become eligible, and it depends on your job classification. When it’s time, check your enrollment options and enroll.
If you enroll or upgrade your coverage after you first become eligible, you'll have to provide Proof of Good Health.
To make sure your life insurance benefit is paid according to your wishes, you must name one or more beneficiaries. A beneficiary is a person you choose to receive your benefit when you die. You can name anyone you want. If no beneficiary is named, payment will be made to your surviving family members in the order of priority described in the Associate Benefits Book. You must choose beneficiaries online.
You’ll need to complete a questionnaire or have an exam to show Proof of Good Health if:
- You select more than $25,000 of optional coverage for yourself during your initial enrollment period.
- You enroll in any amount of coverage or increase your coverage after your initial enrollment period.
Your spouse/partner will need to complete a questionnaire or have an exam to show Proof of Good Health if:
- You select more than $5,000 coverage for your spouse/partner during your initial enrollment period.
- You enroll in any amount of coverage or increase coverage for your spouse/partner after your initial enrollment period.
Proof of Good Health is not required for child life insurance.
Download the Proof of Good Health application form: English | Spanish
If you’re terminally ill, you can receive up to 50% of the amount your beneficiary(ies) will receive after your death, while you’re still living. Payment will be made in one lump sum. When you die, your beneficiary(ies) will receive the remaining 50%. This benefit is called the "accelerated benefit" and can help many families during difficult financial times.
For most associates, you can update your address information through online enrollment.
Walmart and Prudential provide two options to continue your life insurance when you leave the company. The portability option allows you to continue all or part of your current coverage through a group term policy with Prudential. The conversion option allows you to convert all or part of your coverage to a Prudential individual policy. Either way, you may be able to continue your coverage.
You must contact Prudential within 31 days of leaving the company if you are interested in either option.
Your beneficiaries must contact Prudential at 877-740-2116 within 90 days of your death, and provide the following information:
- Your name
- Your Social Security number
- Your date of death
- Your cause of death
In addition, they must mail an original or certified copy of the death certificate to:
The Prudential Insurance Company of America
Group Life Claim Division
P.O. Box 8517
Philadelphia, PA 19176
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Need help?

For benefits questions, chat with a People Services Representative at One.Walmart.com/BenefitsChat or call 1-800-421-1362.