Talk to Sedgwick.

Requesting leave
Contact Sedgwick and your
manager as soon as you know you’ll be
gone for more than three days. Sedgwick will
guide you through the rest.

Disability payments
If you’re out for more than seven days
and you’re eligible for disability pay, Sedgwick
will handle your claim.

Key paperwork
Supporting documentation may be
required for some leaves. Sedgwick can
help with that too.
To take a leave of absence (LOA), you need to request a leave from Sedgwick, our third-party administrator, and have it approved. If possible, make your request at least 30 days before the day you plan to start your leave. If you are unable to submit your own request, an HR representative, your manager or even a family member can do it for you. Here’s how:
How to request a leave
Continuous: A leave of absence for an uninterrupted length of time. This is the most common type of leave.
Intermittent: A leave for a series of separate periods of time off for a qualifying reason, like ongoing medical treatments. If your leave is FMLA-eligible, your medical provider will need to specify how long and how often you will be absent.
Reduced work schedule: Some health conditions may require you to only work a part of your shift for a period of time, as specified by your medical provider. A reduced-hours leave will specify the number of hours or shifts you can work per day or week.
Please note that intermittent and reduced-hours leaves aren’t available for all leaves. Different rules also apply in some states.
File your request online through All leave requests must be submitted to Sedgwick, even if you’re applying for a personal reason that also requires approval by your manager. You’ll need to provide:
- The reason for your leave
- The dates for your leave and whether it’s continuous (all at once) or intermittent (some now, some later)
- Your most recent two-week work schedule (hourly), three-week work schedule (salary) or four-week work schedule (drivers)
- The fax number for your doctor if you’re requesting a medical or family care leave
When you make your request, opt in to receive communication via text and email. This will help you get important claim information faster.
Once you’ve requested a leave, you’ll remain on active status until a decision is made on your claim. Your facility’s attendance policy still applies, so call in each absence until Sedgwick has communicated a decision to both you and your facility.
Tip: If you haven’t done so already, you’ll need to sign up for two-factor authentication (added online security using your phone) before you go on leave, so you can access your Walmart login while you’re away.
You may have a state leave benefit available based on the state where you work. Follow the instructions in the initial packet from Sedgwick for filing with your state or see below to apply directly.
If your state provides a paid leave benefit, you may not also be allowed to receive your Walmart paid benefit—or your Walmart pay may be automatically reduced by the amount of your state benefit so you are not overpaid. It is very important to file with your state as soon as possible so you receive your state pay during your leave of absence. Please note that your state benefits are managed by your state only and not by Sedgwick or Walmart.
California Paid Family Leave (CA PFL) and California State Disability Insurance (CA SDI):
To access these programs, apply directly on the state’s website.
Connecticut Paid Leave (CTPL):
To access the program, apply directly on the state’s website.
District of Columbia Paid Family Leave (DC PFL):
To access the program, apply directly on the District's website.
Hawaii Temporary Disability Insurance (HI TDI):
To access the program, contact Sedgwick at 800-492-5678 or
Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML):
To access the program, apply directly on the state’s website.
New Jersey Family Leave Insurance (NJ FLI) and Temporary Disability Insurance (NJ TDI):
To access these programs, contact Sedgwick at 800-492-5678 or
New York Paid Family Leave (PFL): To access the program, contact Sedgwick at 800-492-5678 or
Rhode Island Temporary Caregiver Insurance (RI TCI) and Temporary Disability Insurance (RI TDI):
To access the program, apply directly on the state websites: or
Washington Paid Family and Medical Leave (WA PFML):
To access the program, apply directly on the state’s website. You can also call the state’s dedicated PFML experts at 833-717-2273 or check out the Quick Reference Guide for more details.
Medical Certification—If your leave is for medical reasons, take the form provided by Sedgwick to your medical provider to be completed, and make sure it’s returned within 20 calendar days. Sedgwick can also fax the form if you give them your doctor’s fax number. You should always follow up with your doctor to make sure the form has been completed and returned by the due date.
Attending Physician Statement—Take the form provided by Sedgwick to your doctor to be completed. If your leave is a result of emergency medical treatment, Sedgwick will accept information from the emergency room doctor showing the date you went to the ER, the patient treated (yourself or a family member), the medical reason, and the dates the doctor recommends you miss work and continue ongoing medical treatment.
Release of Information—This form allows Sedgwick to contact your medical providers to coordinate your leave and get any additional details or clarification.
To return your completed forms:
- Upload to
- Email to
- Fax to 859-264-4372 or 859-280-3270
IMPORTANT: Sedgwick must receive your completed Medical Certification or Attending Physician Statement within 20 days, or your leave and/or short-term disability claim may be denied. If you cannot submit the form in time, request an extension with Sedgwick via the communications center at before the deadline.
If your request is denied, Sedgwick will call you to explain the reason and follow up with a letter. If you have questions, talk to your leave specialist first. Then contact your HR Representative or facility manager to discuss your options and next steps and whether you plan to return to work.
The most common reasons for denials are:
- Not providing all your supporting documentation within 20 days.
- Not providing additional information requested by Sedgwick within 12 days.
- Not meeting the eligibility requirements (hours and/or length of time working for the company) for the type of leave you’ve requested.
Leave requests can also be denied when a medical issue is not considered a serious medical condition, you have exhausted your available leave benefits, or the request is outside Company policy guidelines. A personal leave for a reason that’s considered discretionary may also be denied by your manager for business reasons.
Keep in mind that Sedgwick may approve your leave but deny a disability benefits claim that goes with it. The medical information required for a leave of absence may show you have a serious medical condition and cannot work, but the medical certification form used for a disability claim (called an Attending Physician Statement) requires additional medical information. This must show you have a disabling condition as defined by the short-term disability plan to be eligible for disability. This information may include X-rays, laboratory reports, tests, and consulting physician reports, as well as tests and chart notes from your physician, which Sedgwick will collect.
Not eligible for leave? Request an accommodation.
If you aren’t eligible for an FMLA leave, you may not be eligible for an intermittent leave under the Leave of Absence Policy. However, if you need leave due to a medical condition, you can submit a request to the Accommodation Service Center for consideration of intermittent time away from work under the Accommodation in Employment Policy.
The Accommodation Service Center will review your request and determine your eligibility. Intermittent accommodation approvals are for your own health condition only, not to care for a family member. You can contact the Accommodation Service Center at 855-489-1600, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CT).
Open door and appeals process
If your leave and/or short-term disability claim was denied, you can request a review of your case:
- If your leave was denied by Sedgwick or your facility manager, you can use the Open Door “Step-by-Step” process
- If your disability claim was denied by Sedgwick, you have the right to appeal the denial. This means you can ask Sedgwick to take another look and review additional information about your claim. For more about appealing short-term disability claim denials, see the Associate Benefits Book.
Sedgwick uses a third-party language line, which provides a translator for you when you’re talking with a Sedgwick representative. This language line supports over 250 different languages. While all forms are in English, you can fill out your medical certification form in another language and Sedgwick will have it translated.
More resources
Need help?

For benefits help call People Services at 800-421-1362.
Mon.–Fri. 7 a.m.–7 p.m. (CT), Sat. 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m. (CT).