Enrollment and eligibility

Frequently asked questions about enrollment and eligibility.

Your People Partner and facility leadership are great resources for you. You can also chat with a People Services Representative at One.Walmart.com/BenefitsChat or by calling 800-421-1362.

  • Monday–Friday: 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Central
  • Saturday: 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Central

Associate Eligibility

After further review, we have determined we will not continue with this dependent eligibility verification process at this time.  We believe the strains of COVID have made it too challenging for our associates to gather the necessary documentation and we don’t want to remove dependents who are actually eligible.

A dependent eligibility verification process helps Walmart make sure we’re only covering eligible spouse/partners and children on our benefits. This is common practice among other employers in the U.S.

All documentation that’s already been provided will be securely destroyed so you can be sure your information is safe.

No further action is needed from you, other than verifying during Annual Enrollment that all dependents you enroll are eligible for coverage.

If the dependent became ineligible due to a valid family status change event in the last 60 days, please visit One.Walmart.com/Enroll. Select Family Status Change and complete the Online Enrollment session.

If the dependent was never eligible or became ineligible more than 60 days ago, please contact People Services at 800-421-1362.

If the dependent became eligible due to a valid family status change event in the last 60 days, please visit One.Walmart.com/Enroll. Select Family Status Change and complete the Online Enrollment session.

Eligible dependent Associate eligibility Eligibility requirements
Spouse (same or opposite gender)

Full-time associates may cover their spouse.


Eligible part‑time hourly associates, temporary associates, and part‑time truck drivers may not cover their spouse.

Legally married spouse of associates may be covered, if not legally separated
Domestic partner (same or opposite gender)

Full-time associates may cover their domestic partner.


Eligible part‑time hourly associates, temporary associates, and part‑time truck drivers may not cover their domestic partner.

Domestic partners of associates are eligible for Walmart benefits, if all of these requirements are met:

  • Are in an exclusive and committed relationship similar to marriage and have been for at least 12 months and intend to continue indefinitely
  • Are not married to each other or anyone else
  • Meet the age for marriage in your home state and are mentally competent to consent to contract
  • Are not related in a manner that would bar a legal marriage in the state in which you live, and
  • Are not in the relationship solely for the purpose of obtaining benefits coverage.
Children, stepchildren, foster children

Full-time associates may cover their dependent children through the end of the month of the child turning 26.


Eligible part‑time hourly associates, temporary associates, and part‑time truck drivers may cover their eligible dependent children

We understand families take many forms. Associates may cover:

  • Your natural children
  • Your adopted children or children placed with you for adoption
  • Your stepchildren
  • Your foster children
  • The children of your partner, provided your relationship qualifies under the definition of spouse/partner, or
  • Someone for whom you have legal custody or legal guardianship, provided he or she is living as a member of your household and you provide more than half of his or her support.

We understand families take many forms. The law requires Walmart to define who is and is not eligible in a written Plan document, and we must follow the terms of the Plan document carefully to make benefits available to our associates in a legally compliant manner.


If you are looking for health insurance coverage options for family members who are not eligible for Walmart’s benefits, please reach out to HealthCompare for resources at 877-260-1824.

If the ex-spouse/partner became ineligible due to a valid family status change event in the last 60 days, please visit One.Walmart.com/Enroll. Select Family Status Change and complete the Online Enrollment session.


If the ex-spouse/partner was never eligible or became ineligible more than 60 days ago, please contact People Services at 800-421-1362.

No, you’ll not have to pay Walmart for covering dependents who were not eligible.


If the ex-partner’s children became ineligible due to a valid family status change event in the last 60 days, please visit One.Walmart.com/Enroll. Select Family Status Change and complete the Online Enrollment session.


If the ex-partner’s children were never eligible or became ineligible more than 60 days ago, please contact People Services at 800-421-1362.

We have several resources to help you with your eligibility questions:

  • Associate Benefits Book – this is a helpful guide containing all the eligibility details.
  • HR People Partner – reach out to your local HR person with your questions
  • People Services – our People Services team is happy to walk you through eligibility information and answer your questions. Call them at 800-421-1362.

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