Why Life Insurance?
Whether you’re at the beginning of your career or already planning for retirement, life insurance can help secure your family’s financial future.

Life insurance can help you pay for:

  • Unpaid bills
  • Funeral expenses
  • Education costs
  • Living expenses your family needs


Considering Additional Coverage

All Walmart full-time associates and management associates are automatically enrolled in company-paid life insurance up to a maximum of $50,000. The question you need to ask yourself is: ’“Should I consider purchasing additional coverage?’”
Depending on your personal financial needs and the needs of others who rely on you for financial support, the company-provided coverage may not be enough. Research shows that half of all U.S. households feel unprepared to weather the financial storm connected to the death of a loved one.
  • Only 37% of households report they would be able to cover living expenses beyond several months if a primary wage earner should die.
  • 34% report they would immediately struggle to meet everyday living expenses.*
*LIMRA’s 2010 Household Trends in U.S. Life Insurance, LIMRA’s Market Facts Quarterly, First Quarter, 2011.

Company-paid life insurance

Walmart understands that many associates have people who depend on them for financial support. Whether you’re single or married, your loved ones will have expenses when you are no longer here to provide for them. That’s why the company provides life insurance at no cost to you. Your company-paid life insurance benefit will help cover some of the outstanding costs you leave behind like funeral expenses and credit card and other bills.
Walmart provides this insurance to all full-time associates and management associates.  There is no cost to you. No enrollment is necessary. Your coverage becomes effective when you are actively at work on your normal first work day.

How much coverage will I have?

Your coverage amount is equal to your pay, including overtime and bonuses, during the 26 pay periods of active status immediately before your death. This number is rounded to the nearest $1,000, up to a maximum of $50,000.
If you are terminally ill, you may elect to receive up to 50% of the amount your beneficiaries would have received upon your death, while you are still living.

Do I need additional optional life insurance?

You work hard every day to provide for your family. The last thing you want is to leave them in dire financial straits. Optional life insurance can offer additional financial protection. All eligible associates can purchase optional life insurance with coverage up to $200,000. Management associates can choose coverage up to $1 million. Also, all full-time associates can enroll their spouse/partner for coverage up to $200,000, and all associates including part-time can purchase child coverage up to $20,000 per dependent.

How much additional coverage will I need?

If you’re thinking about increasing coverage, start by asking yourself a few important questions:
  • Have there been any changes in my life, like a new baby, a new home or a change in marital status?
  • How much money would my family need to make ends meet without my current income?
  • If you’re single, ask: How much money will my parents or loved ones need to pay off existing debts like a mortgage, car payment or medical expenses?
  • If you’re married, ask: How much money would my spouse or partner need to fund his/her retirement?
  • Are there family members like parents or children who need my ongoing support?
The answers to these questions will help you determine the amount of supplemental insurance that’s right for you. Use the Prudential needs calculator to help answer these questions.


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