Paid Time Off (PTO)

When your benefit ends

PTO accrual will end on your last day of employment.

PTO ends when you terminate employment.

Hourly associates: The paid time off you've earned but haven't used will be paid out to you provided you've been with the company for at least one year. Unless required by state law, associates with less than one year of service won't receive a payout at termination.


Salaried associates on the National PTO Plan: Each month you "earn" a portion of the total time grant that you received for the year on Feb. 1. Up to five days of PTO you've earned in this way but haven't used will be paid out to you, provided you've been with the company for at least one year, unless otherwise required by state law. If you've used more PTO than you've earned, you won't be asked to repay any overuse.


Salaried associates on the Flex PTO Plan: Because FlexPTO isn't earned, no amount of FlexPTO pays out upon termination, regardless of how much PTO you have or haven't used.


See the policies on for more information.

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