Case Study: Fir finery​

Seasonal festivities bring out upmarket behaviors across many categories. So, how can you better position your products and branch out to aspirational audiences? See how one merchant used Shopper Behavior to forecast upmarket opportunities and quickly launch new products to meet them.

December 19, 2022

Room to grow

While preparing for the holiday season, a Walmart Christmas tree merchant was looking to take advantage of increased total customer activity in 2022. To do this, they needed to understand which customer clusters—mid-market, price-sensitive, or upmarket—provided the most opportunity.

With the Performance in Detail Report in Shopper Behavior, they reviewed their items’ performance carefully.

Digging deeper

Observing a 2021 Christmas tree customer index of just 80* with the upmarket cluster, the Walmart merchant quickly determined a clear opportunity for growth.

They built a cohesive strategy for a new branch of upmarket trees and products designed to snag shopper attention—right in time for the holidays.

Ready to bring this insight into action?

Define customer segments to develop new category strategies.

Discover more new avenues for category growth using these reports from Walmart Luminate Shopper Behavior:

  • Performance in Detail
  • Best Customers
  • Source of Value

Reach out to us for a demo on how Shopper Behavior helps to diagnose performance, understand customer behaviors, optimize product ranges, and more.
