Preventive care
100% coverage to help you stay well.
Regular checkups, tests, and vaccinations can keep you and your family well and prevent serious illness. They’re 100% covered by most Walmart plans when you choose a network provider. If you need to find a doctor, for most plans go to

Care to keep you well.


Zero cost

You’ll pay nothing when you see a network doctor
(or preferred provider in parts of FL, IL, IN, OK, and TX)
for covered preventive services.


What’s covered?

Your plan defines what

counts as preventive care.


Network only

If you receive preventive care outside
your plan’s network (or from a non-preferred

provider in parts of FL, IL, IN, OK, or TX), you’ll pay
some or all of the cost.

Network coverage

Eligible network preventive care services in most areas are covered at 100% by the PremierContribution, SaverPPO, and Local plans. This means if you see a doctor in your plan’s network for specific preventive services, you pay nothing, and you don’t even need to reach your plan’s deductible first. See below if you work in Arkansas, Florida, Chicago Metro, Oklahoma, or Texas.

Out-of-network coverage

If you choose a doctor outside the network, in most locations you’ll pay 50% of the eligible costs in the PremierContribution, or Saver plans, or 75% in the PPO Plan. If you’re in the Chicago Metro, Oklahoma, or Texas areas shown below, or a Local Plan in any location, there’s no out-of-network coverage except in an emergency.

HMO plans

If you’re in an HMO plan, you’ll get 100% coverage for preventive care when you see doctors in your network. See your plan’s website or ask your People Partner for details.

Here’s a partial list of covered preventive care services. Keep in mind that some services are covered only if you’re a certain age or at risk for a specific condition.

  • Annual checkups for all covered family members
  • Immunizations for children and some adults
  • Seasonal flu vaccination
  • Pap tests, mammograms, colonoscopies, and other screening services
  • Well-woman visits and associated preventive services
  • Preventive services for pregnant women
  • Behavioral screening and counseling

You’ll find a complete list in the Associate Benefits Book.

Do you work in Arkansas, Florida, Chicago Metro, Oklahoma, or Texas?

Select counties in these locations have a special program that connects associates with quality care in their local communities. We’ve identified local doctors who have consistently delivered the best value and quality care. They’re called preferred providers, and they’ve been selected based on three things: accurately diagnosing health conditions, recommending the right treatments, and helping their patients get better.

In the areas shown below, you’ll need to see a preferred provider for 100% coverage of eligible preventive care. You’ll find preferred providers at

Preferred providers are available in:

  • Gainesville, Jacksonville, Orlando, or Tampa, Florida; South Florida, including Miami, Port St. Lucie, and Fort Myers
  • Chicago Metro
  • Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Austin, Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio, Texas

If you see another provider, you’ll pay a larger share of the costs of covered services:

  • In the Florida areas shown, care provided by a non-preferred network provider or an out-of-network provider is covered at 50% of eligible costs.
  • In the Chicago Metro, Texas, and Oklahoma areas, non-preferred network providers are covered at 50% of eligible costs, and there’s no coverage for out-of-network care except in emergencies.

In Northwest Arkansas you can see any in-network provider and use the Provider Guide to find highly rated doctors. There’s no coverage for out-of-network care except in emergencies. Find doctors at

Questions about your preventive care?
Call the number on the back of your plan ID card.

More resources

Need help?

For benefits help, chat with a People Services Representative at or by calling 800-421-1362.
See the 2024 Associate Benefits Book for more information about your benefits and eligibility. It will control over any conflicting information on this page.

