I’ll review a few highlights of the past month or two that might be of interest to you all.
Since year end we've added four new stores to the Wal-Mart family. The sizes and locations are 25,000 square feet at Salem, Missouri; 51,000 square feet at Mexico, Missouri; 51,000 square feet at Jacksonville, Arkansas; and 51,000 square feet at Miami, Oklahoma.
All have had good openings and the sales trends are exceeding budget. I know you all join me in welcoming the new personnel and these new stores into our Wal-Mart World.
Wal-Mart now has over 1,502 permanent employees serving some thirty-six communities in five
My brother, J. L. Walton, and I are extremely proud of the splendid progress of our Company.
A great deal has happened since 1950 when we each operated one store apiece with a total of seven employees between us. Incidentally, four of those original seven employees are still with Wal-Mart. They are Inez Threet and Ruby Parrish from the Walton Family Center in Bentonville; Clarice Gerber from the Versailles, Missouri Ben Franklin Store; and Wanda Nichols from the Wal-Mart General Office in Bentonville.
I'm firmly convinced that people make a company, and the reason we have an outstanding Company is that we have a depth of capable dedicated people throughout our organization. Again I wish I could tell each of you personally how much we appreciate your fine cooperation and efforts which help make Wal-Mart the outstanding discount department store Company in the United States.
Further, we're proud of our list of Company benefits including our insurance program, vacation schedules and pay scale.
Our system is simple. The more profit you make in each of your departments and stores, the more benefits we can pass on to us all. We're hoping to get a brand new profit sharing program in effect this year that would cover all Wal-Mart employees. This would be great if we can work it out. We’ll have more on this plan at a later date.
So let's keep our Wal-Mart World program alive and rolling. You're all very much a part of it.
I'd personally welcome any suggestions or ideas at any time that you might care to pass on to me about our Wal-Mart program. Just drop me a line here in Bentonville; and if you don't care to do that, pass the idea on to your manager. We will all I appreciate your suggestions and, your willingness to help each other.
Thanks again. Good luck for the best May ever in Wal-Mart.
Sam Walton

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