State of Winning

Supply Chain
1 min read

Walmart drivers compete to win in the “Olympics” of trucking.

Every year thousands of drivers take part in Truck Driving Championships hosted by American Trucking Associations. And it should come as no surprise that truckers from Walmart’s private fleet are a big presence at both state and national competitions.

Walmart champion drivers pose in front of a Walmart semi trailer.

Check out all the Walmart drivers who won at their state competitions! First-place winners went on to compete at the National Truck Drivers Championship in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Alabama 6806 Jack Hix Second Sleeper
Alabama 6806 Steven Speer Second Flatbed and Rookie of the Year
Alabama 6895 Terry Mashburn Second Five-Axle
Arkansas 6818 Aaron Frisby First Twins and Team Trophy
Arkansas 6801 Al Mullen - Highest written test score (tie) and Team Trophy
Arkansas 6801 Bret McBain First Tanker and Team Trophy
Arkansas 6818 Johnny Bookout Third Five-Axle, highest written test score (tie) and Team Trophy
Arkansas 6818 Lisa Ray Third Step Van and Team Trophy
Arkansas 6818 Marcus Rush First Flatbed and Team Trophy
Arkansas 6818 Randy Lovell Second Tanker and Team Trophy
Arkansas 6818 Rick Dean First Four-Axle and Team Trophy
Arkansas 6801 Shane Simmons Third Tanker and Team Trophy
Arkansas 6818 Thomas Merril Second Sleeper and Team Trophy
Arizona 6831 Dale Moyle Second Five-Axle
Arizona 6831 Eric Ramsdell First Flatbed
Arizona 6831 Greg Ryan Second Sleeper
Arizona 6831 Robert Cound Third Tanker
California 6889 John Matheson Third Daycab
California 6826 Karry Matthews Second Sleeper
California 6826 Rich Prescott Second Tanker
California 7833 Sam Harmer Third Sleeper
California 6889 Shane Naisbitt First Sleeper
California 6889 Steve Hutton First Flatbed
Colorado 6819 Dan Brandt Second Flatbed and Leo Wozniak Award
Colorado 6819 Mark Penick Third Tank
Delaware 7834 George Sweeney First Twins
Delaware 7834 Greg Ringgold Second Flatbed
Delaware 7834 Mike Wrigley Second Sleeper
Delaware 7834 Paul Marks First Sleeper
Delaware 7834 Phillip Brunhammer First Four-Axle and Grand Champion
Delaware 7834 Rob Davis First Flatbed
Delaware 7834 Robert Benton First Five-Axle
Delaware 7834 Tom Pettit Second Five-Axle
Florida 7838 Anthony Tirone First Sleeper and Best Pre-trip Inspection
Florida 6820 Danny Bradley Second Five-Axle
Florida 6820 Myles Riddle Third Tanker
Florida 7838 Robert Kent Third Three-Axle
Iowa 6809 Jerry Beckman - Team Trophy
Iowa 6809 Jim Stinemates Third Three-Axle and Team Trophy
Iowa 6809 Mark Brown Second Sleeper and Team Trophy
Iowa 6809 Steven Knight - Team Trophy
Iowa 6809 Waybe Brumwell - Team Trophy
Illinois 6892 Joe Rychtarik Third Sleeper
Illinois 6892 Pete Palczynski First Sleeper and Best Pre-Trip Inspection
Illinois 7824 William "Cody" Diecks Third Four-Axle
Illinois 7824 William Diecks Third Four-Axle
Indiana 6822 Chuck Chrisman Second Five-Axle
Indiana 7855 David Schwartz Second Flatbed
Indiana 7855 Dennis Shirar First Tank
Indiana 6817 Mike White First Sleeper and Grand Champion
Indiana 7575 Nick Harding Second Four-Axle
Indiana 6817 Ron Marker Second Five-Axle
Kansas 6835 David Moffett Third Five-Axle
Kansas 6835 Jeff Davis Third Tank
Kansas 6835 Stevan Dixon First Sleeper
Kansas 6835 Tom Segebart - Rookie of the Year
Kentucky 6897 Christopher Turner First Sleeper
Kentucky 6866 Chuck Walen Third Flatbed
Kentucky 6866 Gerald Wrinkle First Tanker
Kentucky 6897 Jamie Dunn Second Five-Axle
Kentucky 6897 Jason Hall Second Flatbed
Kentucky 6866 Mike Schmidt Second Sleeper
Kentucky 6866 Tim Melton Third Five-Axle
Louisiana 6848 Christopher Colomb Third Flatbed
Louisiana 6857 Gary Lubag Second Straight Truck
Louisiana 6848 Johnnie Long First Tanker
Louisiana 6857 Joshua Smith Second Sleeper
Maine 7814 Dave Shnur - Team Trophy
Maine 7814 David Roberts Second Twins and Team Trophy
Maine 7814 Jason Murphy Third Sleeper and Team Trophy
Maine 7814 Jonathon Sawyer First Flatbed and Team Trophy
Maine 7814 Kenneth Duncan First Five-Axle and Team Trophy
Maine 7814 Robert Fernald First Four-Axle and Team Trophy
Michigan 6843 Dave Evans Second Sleeper
Michigan 6843 Eric Halchisak Second Twins
Michigan 6843 Steve Elliston First Tanker
Minnesota 6825 Jordan Smith First Sleeper
Missouri 6865 Rod Werner Second Sleeper
Mississippi 6811  Ricky Sharp Second Flatbed and Team Trophy
Mississippi 6811 Dennis Middleton - Team Trophy
Mississippi 6811 Jason Matte Third Sleeper and Team Trophy
Mississippi 6811 Keith Reynaud First Straight Truck and Team Trophy
Mississippi 6811 Rickey Oliver First Tank and Team Trophy
Mississippi 6872 Terry White - Team Trophy
North Carolina 9855 Alan Cross Second Tanker
North Carolina 6840 Dan Harp First Flatbed
North Carolina 6870 John Sadler First Sleeper
North Carolina 6840 Lawrence Burgess Second Sleeper
North Carolina 6840 Russell Grubbs Second Five-Axle and Rookie of the Year
Nebraska 7818 Garet Poland Second Three-Axle
New Hampshire 6830 Christopher Stockton First Sleeper and Team Trophy
New Hampshire 6830 Kerry Jenkins First Five-Axle and Team Trophy
New Hampshire 7814 Richard Hill First Flatbed and Team Trophy
New Hampshire 6830 Richard Samson Second Flatbed, Best Pre-trip Inspection and Team Trophy
New Hampshire 6830 Stephen Toohey, Jr. Second Sleeper and Team Trophy
New Hampshire 6830 Steven Royce Third Four-Axle and Team Trophy
Nevada 6829 Ron Bosworth Third Five-Axle
New York 6838 David Cady First Sleeper
New York 6838 John Levine-Pritzker Third Five-Axle
New York 6896 Timothy Schultz Third Sleeper and Rookie of the Year
Ohio 6824 Jason Imhoff First Straight Truck
Ohio 7817 Oliver Humphrey Third Five-Axle
Oklahoma 7815 Douglas Taylor Third Tanker
Oklahoma 7815 Lavern Reimer Second Five-Axle
Oklahoma 7815 Sonny Warren First Sleeper
Oregon 6837 Paul Kershaw Second Sleeper
Oregon 6837 Shawn Marks Third Sleeper and Team Trophy
Pennsylvania 6847 Allen Boyd First Tanker and Team Trophy
Pennsylvania 6847 Eric Waybright Second Twins and Team Trophy
Pennsylvania 6880 Gene Bartlett Second Flatbed and Team Trophy
Pennsylvania 6880 Terry Wood Second Sleeper, best written test and Team Trophy
Tennessee 6839 Phil Shelton Second Flatbed
Texas 7836 Ezzard Parks Third Sleeper
Texas 7836 Gerald Mcgahuey Third Tanker
Texas 6836 John Graser First Five-Axle and Pre-trip Inspection
Texas 7836 Julio Pineda Jr. Third Five-Axle
Texas 6812 Shaw Jeter Second Sleeper and Best Pre-Trip Inspection
Utah 6829 Barry Geck First Sleeper and Team Trophy
Utah 7826 Brandan Crosgrove First Five-Axle and Team Trophy
Utah 7826 Lynn Wilson Second Sleeper and Team Trophy
Utah 6829 Nate Webster Third Straight Truck and Team Trophy
Utah 6829 Robert Bjelland First Three-Axle, Rookie of the Year and Team Trophy
Utah 6890 Shawn Cobb Third Sleeper and Team Trophy
Utah 7826 Von Trivett Second Flatbed and Team Trophy
Virginia 6823 Chris Walker First Tanker
Virginia 7845 Donald Lucas Third Five-Axle
Virginia 6823 Jim Hines Second Sleeper
Virginia 6823 Ron Waorthley Second Flatbed
Washington 7821 Nick Lebow Second Sleeper
Washington 7821 Taylan Jackson Second Straight Truck and Best Pre-trip Inspection
Wisconsin 6825 Bill Thielke Third Five-Axle
Wisconsin 7839 Rob Hill Third Sleeper
West Virginia 6824 Greg Murphy Second Sleeper
West Virginia 7877 Mark Oliva Second Tank

Between September 11—17, 2022, we’re celebrating our Drivers and Techs. Watch for more stories about the amazing associates who do more than deliver every day!
