WMW Articles

April, 2021

3 Million Safe Miles

On June 20, 2020, Tim Burnett, a Walmart truck driver in Marcy, New York, didn’t think much of it when his supervisor sent him on an errand. But when he returned, he was welcomed by a banner along with family and friends cheering.

A Customer Favorite

Nancy Benfit proves that when you love your job, people notice.

All in the Family

Dave and Tom Mullen are two Walmart drivers who share more than a profession.

Coming Full Circle

Little did Zack Loar know this job was just the first step on a long—and supported—path with Walmart 🤩

Fighting Hunger in Our Communities

A few years ago, Sean Lavery of Store 1309 in Salem, Virginia, had his first child. Since then, his passion for giving back to his community has skyrocketed. 🚀 Learn all about the Fight Hunger. Spark Change. campaign.

Flower Power: How One Associate is Working to Protect Pollinators

For Abraham Hernandez, when your job gives you a new way to think about and support sustainability, it’s a win-win!

Friends, Family...and Husbands?!—All Available at Walmart!

Karen Wood looks back on a temporary position that turned into a 40-year job 😻

Helping the Earth, One Flower at a Time

Here’s an unexpected way to help the environment and protect our natural food sources: Start a garden.

Looking Back at 35 Years with Walmart

Kelly Barada has learned a few things about serving customers.

Meet a Young Man Who Knows All About Teamwork

Oklahoma State University basketball player Dee Mitchell is a team player through and through. Whether he’s on the court or working at Walmart, he gives 100% every time.

One Walmart Associate’s Local Volunteer Efforts Give Back Big

In Maryland, Yi Liu has spent the past year giving her time to causes that matter to her – proving that all of us have a part to play in our own communities, and in the world at large.

Reaching Goals Together

As her store strives for reaching a 5, manager Amy Gill believes in the power of “we.”

Store 24 Celebrates 50 Years

Stocking coach Curtis Smith shares how his store plays a big role in their community.

What It Takes To Be Supercenter of the Year

Only one of Walmart’s 3,570 supercenters across the U.S. is named Supercenter of the Year. Congrats to Store 2483 manager Candace Vandervaart and her team.

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