The following plans are shown in a standardized format called a Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) to help you compare your options.
For more details about the Premier, Contribution, Saver, Local, and some other plans, see the Associate Benefits Book.
For more information about HMO plans, contact your HMO provider or go to
For a paper copy of any SBC, call People Services at 1-800-421-1362.
Premier, Contribution, Saver plans
Local plans
Health Net HMO plans
- Health Net of California ExcelCare High (PDF)
- Health Net of California ExcelCare Low (PDF)
- Health Net Salud y Más (PDF)
Kaiser Permanente HMO plans
- California High (PDF)
- California Low (PDF)
- Colorado Low (PDF)
- Georgia Low (PDF)
- Maryland/Virginia (PDF)
- Oregon High (PDF)
- Oregon Low (PDF)
- Washington (PDF)
U.S.-based Global Tech plans
Hawaii plans
SBC Glossary