U.S. | Puerto Rico - Food Safety Requirements

When our customers and members shop in our stores, clubs, or online, we know they expect great prices. But an often unspoken expectation is that they want the products they purchase to be safe - and when it comes to food, this is critically important. Our commitment to our customers and members is unparalleled. We strive relentlessly to provide safe, affordable, quality foods. As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we go further than many U.S. and Puerto Rico retailers in requiring that harmonized, leading-edge food safety standards be adopted throughout the entire food production chain.

Food and beverage suppliers that provide product to our retail operations in all formats are required to comply with our food safety requirements. It should be noted that our food safety requirements must be fully met prior to providing your product to any of our stores, clubs, or via our websites. 

Click below to review the food safety requirements for the products you supply. Thank you in advance for working with us toward a common goal of providing safe and affordable food, so people can live better.
