Scott Aronhalt feels blessed to have a job that lets him give back and build a life with his family.

For Scott Aronhalt, driving for Walmart is a family affair. “Walmart has been in our family forever,” he shares. His brother, Chad Aronhalt, has 22 years driving for the company. Scott’s brother-in-law, Justin Williams, drove 15 years for Walmart before passing away.
“I was lucky enough to get hired on here when I was young,” he says. “It’s been 23 years as of August 1, 2023 — and I still love it!” Scott credits Walmart for helping him build a great life for his family. “It’s a great job; we’ve been blessed.”
He especially appreciates the flexible scheduling available to Walmart drivers. It allows him to spend time with his family and cheer on his three kids at their games.
Taking care
Scott also has plenty of opportunities to help out his work family. As a Certified Driver Trainer (CDT), he onboards new drivers. “We work for a wonderful company!” he tells them. “We’re family here — they take care of you, they really do.”

In his role as a Road Team member, he trains drivers who are preparing for industry competitions and acts as an ambassador for both Walmart and for the trucking industry. “When I got the call about being picked for Road Team from my General Transportation Manager, that night I remember lying in bed thinking, ‘Is this real?’” he recalls. “It's a huge honor.”
A good neighbor
The care Scott has for his family extends to his neighbors on the road. With almost 2.5 million safe driving miles in his rearview mirror, Scott reminds us to be courteous on the roadways.
“There are a lot of blind spots on a truck,” he explains. “It might weigh 80,000 pounds, and it might be raining. So you don’t want to cut right in front of a truck and hit your brakes.”
Get more tips for sharing the road with trucks from another Walmart driver.
He shares Walmart’s focus on safety with new drivers. “That car going by you? That’s somebody’s loved one — their mom, dad, sister, wife or child,” he says. “Not only is everybody a customer, but we want all of them to be safe.”
Serving the community
One of the first things Scott says to new drivers is, “Congratulations! You just started working for the most giving company in the world.” Some of his favorite moments on the job are the opportunities to give back and serve his community.

In 2005, Scott was part of the Walmart Disaster Relief Team that delivered supplies to people devastated by Hurricane Katrina. The company provided portable showers, clean water, ice as well as something else just as valuable: hope.
When the Disaster Relief Team serves communities, Walmart sets up a makeshift store under a tent. It stocks items to make life a bit more tolerable in the days after a natural disaster.
“People go into the tent and get whatever they need,” Scott explains. “There’s no cash register; they just get what they need.”

Gratitude is another item he’s eager to deliver. In 2020, Scott drove into the heart of Miami to bring thanks in the form of fresh fruit, vegetables and flowers to Jackson Memorial Hospital staff. It was Walmart’s way of thanking them for risking their health daily at the height of the pandemic.
“It’s amazing how much Walmart and Sam’s Club does for people in our communities,” Scott shares. “And I get to be part of it. It gives me goosebumps.”
“You can be more than a driver here,” he says. “And you don't get this opportunity everywhere.”