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Disclosing Facilities

Step one of the audit process is to disclose your facility to Walmart. Suppliers must disclose all facilities involved in the production of goods (includes not only finished, salable product, but also bulk or raw material products) where Walmart will be the importer of record (Direct Import items). This includes:

  • Any facility where the goods are packed into cartons;
  • Any physical location between the place where the goods are packed and the place where the goods are loaded into a container (e.g., a warehouse); and
  • Any facility where the goods are loaded into a container. 

How to Disclose

If a facility or site you use needs to be disclosed, you must add this facility to your supplier profile within Retail Link. For more details, please see this detailed guide.

If the Walmart business you are supplying does not use Retail Link, please see this guide for how to disclose your facilities. 
