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Auditing Facilities

Social Compliance Audits and Assessments

Suppliers have primary responsibility for monitoring compliance throughout their supply chains and correcting non-compliances, including in facilities producing product for Walmart. Walmart takes a risk-based approach to auditing suppliers' facilities, which requires suppliers with higher-risk facilities (facilities located in countries with greater potential risks and supplying direct import merchandise to Walmart) to submit audits to Walmart on a more frequent basis.


Suppliers required to submit an audit must


  1. Work with an eligible program, 
  2. Follow the program's directions to schedule an audit, and 
  3. Send the completed audit report to Walmart.


Walmart assesses the findings in each facility audit report submitted to Walmart against our Standards for Suppliers. Non-compliances and failure to remediate may result in consequences, up to and including termination of the supplier's business relationship with Walmart and/or a facility's ability to produce goods for sale or for use by Walmart. Walmart reserves the right to audit or inspect a supplier's facility at any time.


For more detailed information, view the Audit and Assessment Policy and Guidance.

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