Q: What are the new block schedule shift options?
A: Club Managers should refer to the Block Schedule template, which you’ll receive from your Market Manager on Jan. 9.
Q: Why is the mid-shift shorter than eight (8) hours and will that be expanded?
A: Mid-shifts will primarily be 4-6 hours and will be filled with PT Associates. PT Associates should expect to work 18-24 hours per week. These can be expanded based on business need (holiday weeks or events where additional hours are needed) or expanded to fill in for an associate who calls in or requests off for PTO.
Q: How will it be determined what shift an associate gets selected for in the new ways of working?
A: Club Managers will select shift assignments based on associate preference then tenure.
If too many associates prefer the same shift, then we will use tenure (time with the company) as the determining factor regarding who gets the shift.
Associates moving into a new work group with more tenure will only be allowed to take the open block schedule available. They will not have preference or tenure over someone already in the workgroup.
Q: What will happen if an associates availability does not fit the shift they are given?
A: The shifts will be built for business needs and will remain constant. If an associate is not available for these shifts, he/she can:
Seek other open shifts that can be added to their weekly schedule. The associate must meet the minimum qualifications of the other positions in order to work the respective shift(s).
Otherwise, an associate’s weekly hours will be reduced if their availability does not match the shift
In order to stay consistent throughout the test, we will not make exceptions to schedules
Q: What will happen if work restrictions will not allow an associate to take another shift? What will happen if work restrictions will not allow them to be cross-trained in another position?
A: Associates must meet the minimum qualifications and physical requirements needed for positions. If an associate’s restrictions do not allow him/her to meet the minimum qualifications and requirements, then he/she will not be able to work in that position (Note: reasonable accommodation may allow for this).
Q: Are there certain positions exempt from block scheduling?
A: Yes, associates in the roles of Pharmacy, Optical, Membership Lead and Membership Coordinator will not have block schedules. They will continue to work their current shift based on expectations and demand in the position.
Q: What shifts will Team Leads work with block scheduling?
A: Team Leads are expected to work a block schedule shift of 5 am – 1:30 pm or 1:30 pm – 10 pm, which should be rotated on a monthly basis. For example, a Meat Lead would open in February and then close in March. Club Managers should use the Team Lead block schedule template to ensure you have a Team Lead who is opening and a Team Lead who is closing in each work group.
Q: If I do not have enough associates to fill the full-time block shifts based on current full-time headcount, should I hire?
A: Clubs are advised to increase the hours of part-time associates and not to increase headcount.
Q: Do I accommodate a full-time associate who cannot work his/her assigned block schedule shifts?
A: No. Full-time associates are advised to have open availability and no accommodations will be made to the associate’s schedule.
Q: Will associates on closing shift get a shift differential?
A: No, not at this time.
Q: Can I be scheduled two consecutive days off?
A: There will be block shifts that allow for two consecutive days off, our goal is to accommodate as many schedules as possible within the shifts allotted.
Q: Can the schedule include a weekend each month (other timeframe) off without using PTO?
A: For full-time associates, block shifts will be consistent each week with the same shift and same days off. Shifts for Part Time associates will be based on business demand and could fluctuate. If an associate wants a different day off than currently scheduled, the associate will need to trade shifts or use PTO. There will not be a rotation.
Q: If I can’t work the assigned shift will I be offered severance?
A: There will be several shifts available so there should be options for associates with limited availability, however they may not be scheduled 40 hours. At this time there is not a severance consideration.
Q: Now that it is a set schedule, how do we handle requests off? Does it mean that I automatically need to take PTO? Or do associates have the option to switch shifts?
A: When you need to request off, you will have to switch shifts with someone in your workgroup or use PTO.
Q: Is it OK for managers to call people in to pick up open shifts when there are callouts?
A: Yes, if there is a business need, associates may be called and asked to cover a vacant shift within the workgroup in which they are proficient.
Q: Will I have the same shift every week no matter what?
A: For full-time associates, block shifts will be consistent each week with the same shift and consecutive days off. Shifts for part-time associates will be based on business demand and could fluctuate.